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  • 辦理入住和退房是什麼時間? What is the Check-in/Check-out timing?
    入住時間為1500。 退房時間為1200。 我們會盡快為客人辦理入住手續,但客房要視情況而定。 如果在指定的入住時間之前到達酒店,請隨時與前台聯繫,我們可以為您免費寄存行李。 Check-in is from 3pm onwards. Latest check-out timing is at 12pm. However, if you wish to check-in early, it is subjected to room availability. Should you arrive to our hotel earlier than the indicated check-in time, please feel free to approach our 24-hour reception to have your luggages stored in our secured store rooms.
  • 可以延遲退房嗎?Can I request for late check-out?
    如果客人在中午12點以後退房,需根據當天的房價額外支付一晚的費用。 In the event of a check-out after 12pm, please note that guests will be subjected to an additional one night charge as per that day’s room rates.
  • 酒店提供行李寄存服務嗎?Does the hotel provide luggage storage?
    酒店提供當天的免費行李寄存服務。 因位置有限,酒店不提供超過當晚12點的行李寄存服務。 Yes, the hotel does provide luggage storage service and is complimentary for collection on the same day. Due to limited space, we are unable to provide overnight luggage storage service.
  • 在入住酒店期間可以接收快遞包裹嗎?Can I receive mail/parcels/deliveries during my stay here?
    如果任何客人在入住期間預計會有快遞服務,請在送貨到達前通知我們的前台工作人員。 Yes. Should you be expecting a delivery during your stay with us, kindly inform our staff at the reception before the delivery is due to arrive.
  • 酒店提供早餐嗎?Do you offer complimentary breakfast?
    酒店目前不提供免费早餐。您可以在我们酒店附近的餐飲店享用早餐,那里有許多美味佳餚供您选择。您可以在入住時詢問前臺工作人員,他們會很樂意為您介紹。 Our hotel does not provide complimentary breakfast at the moment. You may have breakfast at the eateries just around the corner, where there are plenty of delicious options to choose from. Please feel free to approach our brand ambassadors at the reception for recommendations.
  • 酒店提供接機服務嗎?Do you provide pick-up service?
    酒店不提供任何接送服務。如果您需要接送服務,請透過 與我們聯繫。我們可以替您安排外部供應商提供這項服務,費用將依照該供應商的收費標準來確定。 The hotel does not provide any pick-up services. Please contact us at if you require pick-up service. Such service can be arranged with an external provider subjecting to their prevailing charges.
  • 房間裡面可以吸煙嗎?Are smoking rooms available?
    酒店是全面禁止吸煙的,如果發現客人在房間內吸煙,將會被收取1500澳門幣的清潔費。 Smoking is strictly prohibited in the building. Any guest found smoking will be subjected to to a cleaning fee of MOP1500.
  • 酒店可以提供生日蛋糕,預訂餐廳或特別房間裝飾嗎?Can you arrange a birthday cake, booking of restaurants or room decorations?
    若有任何特殊需求,請透過 與我們聯繫,或向我們的前臺人員提出,我們非常樂意為您提供幫助。須注意的是,有關服務可能會另外收費。 For any special requests, please contact us at or approach our brand ambassadors, we will be delighted to assist. However, please note that such services may be chargeable.
  • 酒店有什麼種類的房型?What are the different room types available?
    我們酒店有6種不同的房型,以滿足您的住宿需求: 標準單人間:1張單人床,帶浴室。 標準雙床間:2張單人床,帶浴室。 標準雙人間:1張大雙人床,帶浴室。 標準三人間:1張雙人床和1張沙發床,帶浴室。 標準三床房:3張單人床,帶浴室。 家庭房:1張大雙人床和2張沙發床,帶浴室。 We offer a variety of room types to suit your needs at our hotel: Standard Single Room: 1 Single Bed with attached bathroom. Standard Twin Room: 2 Single Beds with attached bathroom. Standard Double Room: 1 Double Bed with attached bathroom. Standard Triple Room: 1 Double Bed and 1 Sofa Bed with attached bathroom. Standard Triple Single Room: 3 Single Beds with attached bathroom. Family Room: 1 Double Bed and 2 Sofa Beds with attached bathroom.
  • 房間價格是多少? How much are the rooms/beds?
    我們的酒店採用動態定價系統,價格根據季節和高峰而變化。於我們酒店官網 ( 點擊“立即預訂”,獲取所需日期的最新價格。 Our hotels adopt a dynamic pricing system, and rates change according to seasons and peaks. Click “Book Now” to get the latest rates for your desired dates and room type.
  • 辦理入住的最低年齡是?What is the minimum check-in age?
    辦理入住的最低年齡為18歲。 18歲以下的客人只能在父母或法定監護人的陪同下入住。 0至11歲的兒童與父母共享現有床舖時免費。 12歲以上的兒童被視為成人。 由於酒店不提供加床,因此酒店鼓勵客人預訂更大的房間類型。 The minimum age for check-in is 18 years old. Guests under the age of 18 can only check in with a parent or official guardian. Children 0 to 11 years old stay free when sharing existing beds with their parents. As the hotel does not provide extra beds, the hotel encourages guests to book a larger room type.
  • 房間可以加床嗎?Can I request for an additional bed in the room?
    由於空間限制,所有房間都不提供加床。如需多加客人,需要額外加上葡幣200/人(不包含早餐) 或葡幣230/人 (包含早餐)的差額。或者可以選擇其他更大的房型,按照房型人數入住。 房費或房間數量需視乎當日酒店情況。 Due to space limitations, adding and sharing of beds are not allowed in all our properties. A fee of MOP200 or MOP230 (with breakfast) will be charged for the extra person. Alternatively, you may consider upgrading the room to a larger room type with more bed(s) and space. Additional charges may apply, depending on availability and price difference.
  • 酒店床有多大?How big are your beds?
    單人床是0.85米 x 1.95米。 大床是1.5米 x 1.95米。 Our single bed is 0.85m x 1.95m. Our double bed is 1.5m x 1.95m.
  • 酒店有提供轉換插座嗎?Are there any adapters at the hotel?
    酒店有轉換插頭可以提供給客人,入住時可詢問我們的前臺人員。房間書桌位置也設有國際插頭方便客人使用。 Our rooms come with international sockets located at the study table in the room.
  • 房間裡面有浴缸嗎?Is there a bathtub in the room?
    酒店的部分客房是都備有浴缸的。如有需要可提前聯繫酒店,我們盡量為您安排。 Rooms with bathtub are available, however, room allocation is subject to availability.
  • 有提供嬰兒床嗎?I am travelling with a baby, does the hotel provide baby cot?
    酒店為客人提供嬰兒床(建議1歲以下兒童使用),但數量有限。如有需要可提前聯繫酒店,我們盡量為您安排。 Baby cot is available upon request subjecting to availability.
  • 團體預訂有特價嗎?Is there any special rate for group bookings?
    對於大型團體預訂,請發送電子郵件至 ,我們會盡量給您安排最優價格。 For large group bookings, please email for assistance and information.
  • 我們預訂了數間房,可以要求相鄰的房間嗎?I have booked a number of rooms. Can we request to have adjacent rooms?
    對於同一預訂下的家庭成員,我們會盡量讓房間彼此靠近分配。 但需視乎酒店房間情況而定。 For family members under the same booking, we will try to have the rooms allocated near each other. However, this arrangement is subjected to room availability.
  • 臨近入住的時候取消,會有扣款嗎?I have to make a last-minute cancellation. Will there be any penalty imposed?
    請注意,在我們的網站上進行的直接預訂需要預先全額付款,同時不支持取消或修改預訂及退款。此外,如出現未到或提早退房情況,我們將不會退還任何費用。 若您通過 Agoda 或 等第三方平臺預訂房間,請參閱有關平臺的網站的條款和條件。此外,任何取消或修改預訂的請求也必須通過相關網站進行。 Please be informed that direct bookings made on our website require 100% pre-payment and are non-refundable. Cancellations or modifications to bookings are not allowed. Additionally, no refunds will be given in the event of a no-show or early check-out. For non-direct bookings, such as those made through Agoda or, please refer to the respective booking sites for their terms and conditions. Additionally, any cancellations or modifications to bookings must be made through the respective sites as well.
  • 請問能更改入住日期嗎? I would like to change my reservation dates.
    請注意,預訂修改視房間供需情況而定。如果新的房間價格較高,客人則需要支付價差。 Modifications of bookings are subject to room availability. In the event that the new rate is higher, guests will need to pay for the price difference.
  • 酒店需要押金嗎?Does the hotel collect security deposit?
    當您在入住時,需繳納港幣500元可退押金,可通過現金或信用卡支付(我們接受VISA、Mastercard、銀聯卡和JCB)。 A refundable security deposit of HKD500 is required upon check-in. Payment can be made in cash or by credit card (we accept VISA, Mastercard, UnionPay, and JCB).
  • 酒店接受哪些現金幣種?What currencies do you accept?
    現金支付僅限與港幣和葡幣。 We accept MOP and HKD for all cash payments.
  • 接受什麼樣的支付方式?What modes of payment are accepted?
    我們接受多種支付方式,包括信用卡(Visa/Masters/China Union Pay和JCB)、支付寶、微信支付和Mpay。請注意,現金支付僅限於港元和澳門幣。 We accept Credit Cards (Visa/Masters/China Union Pay and JCB), Alipay, WeChat Pay and Mpay. Cash payments are only in HKD and MOP.
  • 可以在退房的時候支付房費嗎?Can I make payment when I Check-out?
    在辦理入住手續時,我們需要您全額付款,以便順利完成入住程序。 Kindly note that full payment is required upon check-in.
  • 可以付一部分定金來預訂房間嗎?Am I able to make a deposit to reserve for my next stay?
    如果您想预订下一次的住宿,我们需要提前收取全額預付款。感谢您的配合和理解,期待再次为您服务。 Please be noted that to secure your next stay with us, we require a 100% pre-payment. We appreciate your understanding and thank you for choosing to stay with us again.
  • 哪裡可以拿到地圖?Where can I get maps?
    我們在酒店大堂提供城市地圖供客人自由取用。如有需要協助,歡迎向我們的前臺人員查詢。 We provide city maps at the hotel lobby area. Please feel free to take what you need, or approach our brand ambassadors if you require any assistance.
  • 在哪裡可以買到景點門票?Where can I buy attraction tickets?
    大多數景點門票都可以在網上購買,具體情況視您想參觀的景點而定。酒店可提供澳門塔門票,可直接在櫃檯購買。如需協助,請隨時向我們的前臺工作人員詢問。 Depending on which attraction you are looking for, most attraction tickets are available online. The hotel provides Macau Tower tickets over the counter. Feel free to approach our brand ambassadors for assistance.
  • 如果出門旅遊下雨了怎麼辦?What can I do in Macau if it rains?
    我們會提供免費的雨傘給客人,不用擔心因雨天而影響你在澳門的旅程。 或者可以選擇在酒店舒服的床上休息,養尊處優為明天的行程做準備。 We provide complimentary umbrellas, so don't worry and go ahead exploring Macau. Alternatively, rainy days are perfect for snuggling and planning the following day's itinerary in our comfortable beds.
  • 酒點會提供任何旅遊咨詢嗎?Does your hotel provide any tourist information?
    有的,在前台接待處有提供城市地圖指南,如有需要可以免費自取。如果需要任何幫助也可以咨詢前台接待人員。 Yes, we provide city maps at our Hotel's reception area. Please feel free to take what you need, or approach our front desk staff at the reception if you require any assistance.
  • 附近有什麼旅游景點是可以從酒店直接步行過去的? Are there any nearby tourist attractions that are within walking distance from the hotel?
    如從酒店能步行出發到達的景點有很多,像聖安東尼堂,哪吒廟,電影院,大三巴牌坊,大砲台,同善堂,議事廳前地,康公廟和媽祖廟。 You may walk to any of our recommended spots: St Anthony Church, Na Tcha Temple, Cinematheque, Ruins of St. Paul, Monte Fort, St Dominic Church, The Holy House of Mercy Museum, Senado Square, Leal Senado Building, Hong Kung Miu Temple and A-Ma Temple.
  • 議事亭前地怎麼去?How do I get to Senado Square?
    議事亭前地離酒店大概10分鐘的路程。您可以在入住時詢問我們前台的員工,我們很樂意把路線告訴您。 Senado Square is within 10 minutes walking distance from the hotel. You may approach our brand ambassadors and they will be more than happy to assist you.
  • 旅遊的人比較少的地方有哪些?I want to go to less touristy locations. Where can I go?
    您可以在入住時詢問酒店前台的員工,我們會很樂意為您介紹。 If you need any recommendations please feel free to approach our front desk staff at our reception.
  • 酒店會安排接送的小型團體澳門導賞嗎?Does the hotel arrange transport for small group to go sightseeing around the city?
    酒店本身沒有提供交通接送服務,但是我們樂意安排第三方交通接送服務給您,請註明客人人數和路線方便我們為您查詢價格。 The hotel does not have any transportation services, but we are more than happy to arrange third party transportation services for you. Please specify the number of guests who will go on the tour and if there are any specific attractions you would like to visit and we will get back to you on the cost.
  • 澳門最有名的景點有哪些?What are some of the most popular attractions in Macau?
    澳門有很多著名的景點,包括大三巴、媽閣廟、澳門塔、氹仔舊城區(官也街)等等。如需更多資訊,請瀏覽。 Some of the top attractions in Macau include the Ruins of St. Paul, A-Ma Temple, Macau Tower, and Taipa Village. For more information, please visit
  • 如果預算有限,想去購物有什麼好的地方推薦?I have a limited budget, but I would like to do some shopping in Macau. Can you recommend some places?
    您可以在入住時詢問前臺工作人員,他們會很樂意為您介紹。 If you need any recommendations, please feel free to approach our brand ambassadors at the reception.
  • 從澳門國際機場怎麼前往酒店?How do I get to Caravel Hotel from Macau International Airport?
    公共巴士: 您可以從機場乘坐MT4巴士,然後在16浦索菲特酒店前面的巴士站下車。 然後,走斑馬線並到達馬路的另一側。 穿越時,請注意左側的巴士站,並朝該方向步行。 然後,在第一個路口右轉,就在汽車站之後,您將能夠看到卡爾酒店 出租車: 如果您想從機場乘坐出租車,車資大概是80-100澳門幣,大概需要30分鐘到達酒店。 Public Bus: You may take bus number MT4 from the airport and drop off at bus stop infront of Sofitel Ponte 16 Resort. Take the zebra crossing and get to the opposite side of the road. Look out for a bus stand on the left and walk towards that direction. After the bus stand, turn right at the first junction and you will be able to see Caravel Hotel. You may take bus number MT4 from the airport and drop off at bus stop arriving at Rua Das Lorchas, keep walking to Pointe 16 hotel, cross the road and locate the bus station that our hotel is on the behind. Taxi: If you wish to take a taxi from the airport, it will cost approximately MOP80-100 and takes 30 minutes to get to the hotel.
  • 從氹仔客運碼頭怎麼前往酒店?How do I get to Caravel Hotel from Taipa Ferry Terminal?
    公共巴士: 您可以在氹仔客運碼頭乘坐MT4巴士,然後在16浦索菲特酒店前面的巴士站下車。 然後,走斑馬線並到達馬路的另一側。 穿越時,請注意左側的巴士站,並朝該方向步行。 然後,在第一個路口右轉,就在巴士站之後,您將看到卡爾酒店 出租車: 如果您從氹仔客運碼頭乘坐出租車,車資大概是80-100澳門幣,大概需要30分鐘到達酒店。 Public Bus: You may take bus number MT4 from the airport and drop off at bus stop infront of Sofitel Ponte 16 Resort. Take the zebra crossing and get to the opposite side of the road. Look out for a bus stand on the left and walk towards that direction. After the bus stand, turn right at the first junction and you will be able to see Caravel Hotel. You may take bus number MT4 from the airport and drop off at bus stop arriving at Rua Das Lorchas, keep walking to Pointe 16 hotel, cross the road and locate the bus station that our hotel is on the behind. Taxi: If you wish to take a taxi from the airport, it will cost approximately MOP80-100 and takes 30 minutes to get to the hotel.
  • 從外港客運碼頭怎麼前往酒店?How do I get to Caravel Hotel from Macau Outer Ferry Terminal?
    索菲特16浦穿梭車: 我們酒店在索菲特16浦對面,在外港碼頭可以乘搭索菲特16浦的免費穿梭車到他們的酒店。下車後越過巴士站旁的行人斑馬線到對面的巴士站, 第一個路口轉右, 便可看到卡爾酒店。 公共巴士: 乘搭「3」號巴士,在「十六浦」車站下車。越過巴士站旁的行人斑馬線到馬路對面的巴士站,見到第一個路口轉右,便可見卡爾酒店。 出租車: 的士車程大概20分鐘左右,車費大概需要40-50澳門幣。 Sofitel Shuttle Bus: We are located right across from Sofitel Ponte16, so you may take their shuttle bus from the ferry terminal. Once you arrive at Sofitel, take the zebra crossing and get to the opposite side of the road. Look out for a bus stand on the left and walk towards that direction. After the bus stand, turn right at the first junction and you will be able to see Caravel Hotel. Public Bus: You may take Bus Number 3 and alight at Sofitel Ponte 16 Resort. Take the zebra crossing and get to the opposite side of the road. Look out for a bus stand on the left and walk towards that direction. After the bus stand, turn right at the first junction and you will be able to see Caravel Hotel. Taxi: If you wish to take a taxi from the Macau Outer Ferry Terminal, it will cost approximately MOP40-50 and takes around 20 mintues to get to the hotel.
  • 從拱北口岸怎麼前往酒店?How do I get to Caravel Hotel from Gongbei Border?
    索菲特16浦穿梭車: 當你從關閘出來,關閘的左邊出口位置處會有索菲特16浦的免費穿梭車.我們酒店就在索菲特16浦對面,所以在關閘可以乘搭索菲特16浦的免費穿梭車到他們的酒店。下車後越過巴士站旁的行人斑馬線到對面的巴士站,到達巴士站後第一個路口轉右, 便可看到卡爾酒店。 公共巴士: 乘搭「3」號或「3X」號巴士,在「柏港停車場」車站下車。向巴士站剛經過的路口方向步行, 見到路口轉右,便可見卡爾酒店。 的士: 的士車程大概20分鐘左右,車費大概需要40-50澳門幣。 Sofitel Shuttle Bus: Once you exit from the boarder gate, you will be able to find the Sofitel Shuttle Bus to the left of the boarder gate exit. Take the Sofitel shuttle bus to their hotel and once you arrive at Sofitel, you may cross the road at the crosswalk beside the bus stop outside of Sofitel. On the opposite side of the road, look out for a bus stand and walk towards the direction of the bus stand. After the bus stand, turn right at the first junction and you will be able to see Caravel Hotel. Public Bus: You may take bus number 3 or 3X and alight at Auto-Silo Pak Kong. Walk back towards the junction the bus had just pass by, turn right at the junction and you will be able to see Caravel Hotel. Taxi: If you wish to take a taxi from the Border Gate, it will cost approximately MOP 40-50 and takes around 20 minutes to get to the hotel
  • 如何從港珠澳大橋前往酒店?How do I get to the Hotel from Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB)
    公共巴士: 您可以乘搭101X線路巴士在「栢港停車場」下車,下車後往後走至巴士剛路過的路口,見到路口轉右,便可看到卡爾酒店。 的士: 的士車程大概20分鐘左右,車費大概需要60-70澳門幣。 Public Bus You may take bus number 101X and alight at Auto-Silo Pak Kong. Walk back towards the junction the bus had just pass by, turn right at the junction and you will be able to see Caravel Hotel. Taxi If you wish to take a taxi from the HZMB, it will cost approximately MOP 60-70 and takes around 20 minutes to get to the hotel
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